• Wednesday 12 September 2018

    Home cures for dandruff

     Too much pollution around, excessive oily scalp or very dry scalp can lead to dandruff formation on the scalp.

    Dandruff is a very embarrassing scalp condition. One can have them at any age and at any weather condition. Treating dandruff is kind of a challenge. One has to rinse the hair with lukewarm water so that the scalp does not have an accumulation of dead skins. One can also lather the hair with a best natural dandruff shampoo and then keep it for at least 5 minutes before washing it away with cold water. Always towel dry your hair post wash. Do not try to blow dry your hair when it is already damaged with dandruff.

    There are some home remedies as well which one can try when they are thinking of removing dandruff.

    Baking Soda

    Baking soda mildly exfoliates the excess dead skin from the scalp and kills the fungus created by the dandruff accumulation. For this, one needs a table spoon of baking soda, a cup of water and a few drops of rosemary oil. One has to mix a table spoon of baking soda in a cup of warm water. Then shake the mixture well before applying it. One can also mix this with their regular shampoo and then use it together.

    Apple Cider Vinegar

    Apple cider vinegar is also very good for hair health. One tea spoon of apple cider vinegar with 2 egg whites and two table spoon of olive oil make s a perfect hair mask. Apply it on your hair and keep it covered with a shower cap or a towel for an hour or so. After washing it with shampoo you hair will be stronger and will gain back the lost shine. In fact, apple cider and egg whites can be of great help in removing the white flakes from the scalp.

    Tea Tree Oil

    This particular oil is also a way to cure dandruff at home. One needs to use some authentic tea tree oil to get the best results. Pour a few drops of tea tree oil on your scalp and then spread it evenly all over the scalp. Let it get soaked and then wash it off with a mild shampoo after 10 minutes.

    Olive oil

    This oil on the other hand is full of anti oxidants and it can keep the scalp very healthy. It has some essential nutrients like Vitamin A and E and it has some anti bacterial and anti fungal elements that can fight back the dandruff attacks and other hair problems. Take an adequate amount of olive oil and apply it well on your scalp. Message with your finger tips and leave it for a few minutes. Cover your hair with a warm towel. After half an hour, wash it away with a mild shampoo. You will get a problem free hair in return.

    One can also use ketomac shampoo to fight back their dandruff problems. They work really well and keep the scalp healthy and fine.

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